Rookie Waitress Species

Base Species

Nightmare of the service industry, scourge of barflies, and receiver of butt pinches. This hot young lady has decided to put on the tight tank top of capitalism and the short shorts of hospitality. As her first day on the job, she is still learning the job and wants to show she has the right stuff (which requires showing off her stuff!). However, spilled beers and incorrect orders are driving her customers away, sometimes painfully!

The art for this character is AI generated.

Miscellaneous Information

Weapon TypeGlove
Artist Bialar
Creator Bialar
Kin Humanoid
Category Mini Custom

Attribute Information

HP200 EP200 STR100 VIT70
MGC60 RES70 DEX60 SPD100
BTC WHT100 GenderF Style Hidden ?
fire-20 % water20 % light0 % dark0 %
earth-20 % wind20 %