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New July Shop Collectables

You can now collect the new King Trumpy Bird and Indian Corona Virus in our July Shop! Good luck and happy hunting!

Also, King Trumpy Bird has replaced Zombiden as this month's Freedom Fries boss.

Posted by Ignis on July 20th, 2024 at 9:58 AM

Server Rollback

Too many problems popped up with the software change, so I dialed it back to previous settings for now.

The big update I had planned for Monday will be delayed.

Posted by Ignis on July 4th, 2024 at 11:34 AM

Software Version Update

The server's software has been updated. If there are parts of the game not working for you, please let me know.

A larger scale software update should take place around Monday. I'll post another news piece with exact details of that update later.

Edit: The larger update is delayed for now.

Posted by Ignis on July 4th, 2024 at 5:30 AM

PVP Ranking Result

The players listed below were the top contenders for the PVP ranking. You can read more about it right here.

  • Saless placed #1 with a PVP Rank of 4,515 and received 1 LESP Token and 1000 credit..
  • dldracorex placed #2 with a PVP Rank of 3,380 and received 1 LESP Token.
  • zBIz placed #3 with a PVP Rank of 3,080 and received 300 credit.
  • Hatori eagle placed #4 with a PVP Rank of 1,185 and received 300 credit.
  • ikkemikke placed #5 with a PVP Rank of 1,130 and received 300 credit.
  • Darling placed #6 with a PVP Rank of 450 and received 300 credit.
  • Manic placed #7 with a PVP Rank of 415 and received 25 credit.
  • Stick placed #8 with a PVP Rank of 110 and received 25 credit.
The PVP Ranking has now been reset in preparation for the next season! You can view the current ranking under Community>Ranking>View Highest Ranking for PVP anytime.

Posted by Ignis on July 1st, 2024 at 12:01 AM

July Lottery for Credit

Each of the following participants won 1,814 Credit from the Lottery:

Want to participate in the next lottery? You can buy a ticket right here.

Posted by Ignis on July 1st, 2024 at 12:00 AM